New Job starts today...
...meaning there won't be an update until a little later tonight, and there will be one tomorrow morning as my new mission in life is to prove mccoy wrong and continuously update this blog.
Burning Questions
1. Why is the first day of any new job completely useless, no work gets done, you just walk around and say "nice to meet you" 300 times, not that anything is wrong with that.
2. It's a little less than a month from my 24th birthday, and those are always reflective times. But what exactly is there to reflect on? Vomiting in college? High school "extra"-curricular activities? Why do I feel no celebration is necessary?
3. You do realize that 10-15 years ago, this horse would have been killed, on the track in front of a nationwide audience, does anyone think thats why this horse is still alive? The fact that it was on TV, and they didn't want little billy and susans parents to have to explain to them that horses are animals and not humans?
...done for now, more later.
thats a quality mission in life
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