Friday, June 09, 2006

So it seems like my birthday... coming up in 11 days. Now I never "really" do anything for my birthdays, let's go down the list of the ones I can remember.

18th: Delilah's Den Gentleman's Club (Interesting, also my kid brother went there for his 18th, kind of like a NJ tradition)
19th: No recollection of anything special, probably did nothing.
20th: Parents came down and took me to dinner somewhere
21st: Family came down and took me to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse (cause Morton's blows), then sat in my apt and drank 40s with my roommates after a failed attempt to see Sean Paul perform in DC (Mr. Spence had the idea, not knowing that you had to be 21 to get into the club, said Mr. Spence had not turned 21 yet)
22nd: NYC trip, went to Coral Room with Jordan (not wigdor) and friends, Spent lots of time in VIP, vomited heavily the next day.
23rd: Absolutely Nothing

So no real events to speak of outside of when I turned 22. Now some of my friends seem to have a tradition of going to 1223 happy hour around ones birthday and getting hammered, and I guess that works...we'll see. Knowing me, I'll sit in my apartment and watch MTV Jams til I fall asleep, but whatever.

I also can't get really philosophical about birthdays anymore, like all they make me realize that some of the goals I had set for myself as an adolescent were really misguided and not actually possible, however as the day nears I may decided to put my life into perspective or some other kind of self-centered mental activity to ponder my life...whatever...


At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My birthday is June 23. I haven't decided if I want 1223 yet. When would you do it, if you did?

At 12:52 AM, Blogger McCoy said...


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1223. Do it. Do it.


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