Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Commuting/New Job Update

Ok, so I started new job yesterday. Job is located in Potomac, MD (just barely in Potomac, but Potomac nonetheless). My old job was in Silver Spring, MD, I currently live in Laurel, MD (ugh). Now google maps (double true) says my commute from home to job takes 31 minutes...YEAH RIGHT!! My commute at my old job literrally took about 17 minutes. Now my commute takes about an hour, and I sit in traffic between exits 27 and 33 on the beltway for 40 minutes of it. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS? This is insane, it's day two of this and I want to jump out of my car and run into oncoming traffic.

I have a *bleeping* office now. It's a soul-less little room next to a staircase (I can constantly hear people opening the stair door, but I also have a backdoor out of my office), no windows or anything like that, but after sitting in a cubicle for a year and a half, I dont think there's anyway I could go back down to that now that I have an office, replete with boxes of stuff that isn't mine, AND shelving units. I haven't done much yet at this new job, so I will probably update this thing more today. That is all.


At 10:35 AM, Blogger McCoy said...

its all about self reflection time sir....that and a venti skim mocha from sbux and some xm radio


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