Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mccoy Guilting me once again...

let's start with this...if i dont have update this blog once tomorrow (5/3)....i'll give the first person who calls me on it 10 bucks.

You already know I'm inconsistent so the fact that this doesn't updated shouldn't shock you. However since I've been in a whiny mood for a few days I figured I'd write something.

Couple of burning questions

1. Why would a person go somewhere (Potbelly's) to have someone else make them a sandwich consisting of bread and mushrooms? (sorry arlene)

2. Why did my now soon to be previous employer not pay me initially what they tried to counteroffer me with when they found out i had a job offer?

3. Why can't someone just slap the shit out of Kobe Bryant in the middle of the game for me?

4. Now that Kwame Brown is being investigated for sexual assault (link) it begs the question...Is this a direct result of Kwame being around Kobe, or was Kwame just so scared of his own shadow in DC that he couldn't even work up the nerve to talk to a girl, much less sexually assault her?

Next Post: Ongoing Dillemma


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