Real (stupid) Superheroes?

from Digg
A young man stands on the south side of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. The ominous stone memorial looms above him as he waits on the top steps dressed in black pinstriped pants and vest, a pressed black button-down shirt, a black felt hat and silver gloves.
This man, who refuses to reveal his real name when in costume, carries a silver-topped cane. A silver mask hides any expression, revealing little more than soft brown eyes.
While his costume does plenty to conceal his identity, it belies a fit physique. His stealth movements, inspiration for his superhero name Mr. Silent, evidence years of martial arts.
"Hey, what are you?" a passerby asks. "A mime?"
"No," he responds, handing him a card that reads simply: "Mr. Silent," along with the Japanese characters for "quiet repose" and an e-mail address.
"Hey, you're supposed to be Mr. Silent; you just talked," the man says, looking up from the card. "So what do you do?"
"I fight crime."
Mr. Silent
...utter ridiculousness
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