A Debate you say?

Debate 2006
So I get into work this morning, (mounds of work to do by the way) and read that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has challenged GW Bush to an open debate. Now I don't know anything about the Iranian President, nor do I wish to. But damn if I wouldn't want to see this debate. Can you imagine Dubya trying to cheat his way through a real debate with someone of moderate intelligence...from a DIFFERENT COUNTRY...all of the cliched american phrases Dubya uses would be pointless and completely misunderstood. The Iranian president guy could end up running circles around Bush further embarrassing our village idiot President. Tell me you wouldn't pay $50 to see this in High Definition PPV, with GW furrowing his brow and sweating like a pig when someone asks him about his nukes...
Iran's leader calls for TV debate with Bush
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