New Energy Drink...COCAINE!

So when I was working at the radio station last year, my days were pretty long. Somewhere around 15/16 hours or so. I've explained that previously. However I neglected to mention my dependency on so-called "energy drinks". Right up the street from the studio was a 7-11 and almost everyday on the way home from the station I would stop and pick up 2-3 energy drinks. I rotated between Mountain Dew Amp, Sobe Adrenaline Rush, and the omnipresent Red Bull.
Up to that point I was under the impression that they had no relative effect, from previous experiences with them in college during my many failed "up all night because I never went to class and the final is tomorrow " cram sessions. They kept me just barely awake, but not enough to where I could actually learn anything. So when I started drinking them again for the radio station, I wasn't sure of the effect until the night I didn't get any, and struggled to make it home and almost passed out in the hallway. Unfortunately, well after my radio days were over, I was still drinking them, for no particular reason...just recently putting a stop to it.
Over the past few weeks I had heard about this new energy drink..Cocaine. Great name right? They have two taglines: "The Legal Alternative" Ha...and "Cocaine - Instant Rush. NO Crash!"
basically they are purporting that their drink 350 times more effective than Red Bull, and you experience no energy crash after drinking it (which I'm not sure how that's possible). With that kind of name, you figure there would be some public outcry as soon as it hit the shelves correct. Well it's already here.
"Councilman James Sanders Jr., a Laurelton Democrat, said he was shocked when constituents informed him last week about the latest drink hitting the shelves in New York City and Long Island. At a City Hall news conference, he said the drink's name and claims it contains a massive amount of "energy" send the wrong message to young people, who may think the actual drug was OK to use."
Now that councilman is obviously just trying to make a name for himself, which is fine that's what politicians do. Kind of a silly argument to make, and either case you should all get ready for the Cocaine rush, as I'm sure it will flood the market just like Red Bull did.
Cocaine Website
Cocaine MySpace Page
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