Thursday, May 25, 2006

Things I/You Should Purchase in the next 18 months...

I like gadgets. I like gadgets more than I like a lot of other things. Therefore I keep of list of things I save up money to buy. Here is my should keep a list too, and you should also want some of the things on this list, if you don't, well just keep it a secret.

Definite Buys
1. Treo Smartphone (purchased Treo 650 2 weeks ago)
2. 13" MacBook (we live in a PC world, but I like Macs and if you want you can run windows xp on it, I also already own a PC)
3. Nintendo Wii (An innovative system not solely based on graphics, also will probably have the easiest to bootleg games)
4. Any 27in to 32in LCD HDtv (Because I like sports in HD, and I like my bed and this way i can mix the two)

Potential Purchases
5. XBox360 (yes it seems I have switched my allegiance, and I have. Sony has pissed me off, and spending 600 bucks to get the "real" PS3 does not interest me, hate if you want)
6. Kenwood Excelon DVD/CD Player with 7in screen (it's a car purchase, and a nice one at that, definitely not necessary, but if i came into some money all of a sudden I'd definitely look into getting one.

...that's all for now.


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get dat Wii shit man....that mess look wack as hell...just the controller hott....and you cant even play sports games wit that it look too hard


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