Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I didn't vote today...and I don't plan on it

yup...I didn't vote today. I can honestly say I had no intentions on voting today at all. Never once considered it. I'm sure someone reading this is now getting one of those "I can't believe he didn't vote" faces. Whatever. I don't care. I'm also not going to get up on my soapbox and tell why I didn't vote and expect you to see things my way. I definitely don't care whether you agree with me or not.

In 2000, I was the first person in my family to vote in this country ever (my parents are resident aliens), and yeah the guy I voted for won, and the lost, and then almost won again, but lost anyway.

In 2004, when I was actually a resident of the state of MD, I voted once again, mind you I was hesitant, specifically because of the screwy electoral college system in this country and the fact that the two states I could possibly vote in normally swing democratic. Nevertheless, I voted. My guy lost again. Whatever.

That didn't discourage me. What was sad was that I didn't go in thinking I was voting for someone I actually wanted to lead me, more so I was just voting for the lesser of two evils. Just another log on the fire of my disillusionment with the U.S. government.

So now this mid term election comes up. Ben Cardin, Michael Steele, Martin O' Malley (he seems to be who the modeled Tommy Carcetti after on The Wire) blah blah blah. "I'm for change!" Whatever, I bet you are pal.

I guess my point is if you want to vote, great I don't care. If you don't want to vote thats great too. Might be shortsighted thinking, but it seems to be working out for me.


At 10:51 AM, Blogger McCoy said...

so i meant to post this on monday, but apparently failed word verification or something....so with all that you wrote, whats the actual reason that you didnt vote? lesser of 2 evils or not, the results of the election affect you and those around you, whether its the war in iraq, higher tuitions at UMD if you go back, the ICC being built, if you lived in VA - gay marriage, tax cuts (stay or if they're repealed). I hate the idea of people not voting because neither candidate moves them...thats a reality of modern day elections, candidates aren't going to move you...but bottomline, the results will and do affect your life. with his past election, at an absolute minimum you could vote on wether you wanted to make it easier or harder for bush to push his agenda his final 2 years, IMO you lose right to bitch about what happens when you make absolutely no effort to change it...especially when that effort requires maybe a 30 minute detour from your typical day.

(and theres also the bla bla only 1 vote bla bla (which i know youre not arguing, im just bringing it up bc i hate that argument too)....the senate just changed hands bc of 7000 votes out of 2.5 million in virginia....votes matter)


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