Lack of updates this week...
Yeah, I don't know where the time went..all I know is I had about 40 meetings this week, and was barely at my pc. So no updates, might do one this afternoon if I don't have anymore meetings.
I believe. I believe this. I believe this blog. I believe this blog sucks.
Yeah, I don't know where the time went..all I know is I had about 40 meetings this week, and was barely at my pc. So no updates, might do one this afternoon if I don't have anymore meetings.
I supposed some of you may have seen this before. I hadn't. I'm not sure whats more funny, the girls obvious displeasure for police officers or the police officers idicy..I'm going with the latter.
from Digg
From digg
I'm sure you can finish the rest. This is mainly in reference to the contracts proffered by ridiculous cell phone companies. I pretty much have refused to honor their contracts under any circumstances. 2 Year?...HA! In your dreams if you think I make it to month 18. I remember years ago when there was a push to have phones without contracts, but then the cell companies countered by offering the cheapest prices and new innovations like "FREE NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS" and "CALLER ID". Ah when things were much simpler. Basically you signed a contract so you could get a the phone for a cheaper price and a larger amount of minutes per month, and I could at least live with a one year contract.
Just a quick post...interesting to read. Well at least it was to me since I loosely own some of the albums on this list (7 of the top 15 to be exact)
As for "Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)," Gordy asserted that he didn't even know what the word ecology meant. For his part, Gaye said he would never record for Motown again unless "What's Going On" was put out as a single. After initially being rejected by Motown's quality-control committee, it was; when it became a Top Five hit, the album -- and a burst of socially conscious music from Motown -- followed soon after.
Producing the album amid a haze of marijuana smoke, Gaye made one intuitively brilliant decision after another -- from letting the tapes roll as his friends mingled and chatted to recording the rehearsal exercises of saxophonist Eli Fountain. When Fountain complained that he had just been goofing around, Gaye replied, "Well, you goof exquisitely. Thank you." And that's how the plaintive saxophone line that announces What's Going On came to be.
Total album sales: 1 million
Peak chart position: 6
Just a quick update on me and my thoughts, not that any of you give a damn, but this is my blog so I'll put whatever I want to on here.
Simple title, simpler story. is running a blurb at the top of their page about them airing the original broadcasts from 9/11 online for free this Monday. In real time starting at 8:30am. I am unsure how I feel about this...granted it happened 5 years ago, but still I have vivid memories of the occurrences of the day. I still remember all the details of the day and days after.
I think Lewis Black is funny, some people don't. Whatever. Here's a clip of one of his performances. It's 20 minutes long so don't say I didn't warn you.
1. Why does it get harder and harder to stay in contact with certain friends and not others, and how is this even possible with all the technology present?
Today is one of those days where I'd much rather just sit in Starbucks with my laptop and watch people walk by. It's raining, and just generally crappy out...This makes me long for the days in college when I either didn't have class, or didn't go and hung out with Jordan (not wigdor) and just watched people and shit.