Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why hip-hop sucks...

..I've been meaning to write this post for a while. But then I stumbled upon someone else who I'm sure is a much better writer than myself who wrote in length on the same topic.

"Hip-Hop sucks. There, I've said it. After years of ignoring my feelings and hoping that things would change with the next album, video, or artist, I have finally accepted the fact that hip-hop simply isn't good anymore. The swagger is gone. Hip-hop is still cool but it's no longer fly. It's still hot but it's no longer dope. Most important, hip-hop is no longer fun. I can't say for sure when it happened, but somewhere between Wu-Tang's grimy "Protect Ya Neck" and the Ying Yang Twins' disgusting "Whisper Song", hip-hop became boring and predictable."

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Not necessarily my exact opinion, but in the same ballpark.

Family Guy - Journey Karaoke

At a ridiculous sports bar this weekend, the halftime entertainment (instead of listening to the inane halftime show banter) was this:

and then ruined the moment by showing this:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I didn't vote today...Part 2

Since I actually got a comment on the last post, I figured I'd at least try have some kind of rebuttal. I started just writing another comment in response, but it was getting too long, so I decided just to make another post.

So it seems the Democrats have taken over congress, and in effect handcuffed GWB for the last 2 years of his presidency. Congrats. Well congrats only if a Democratic President is elected in 2008. If we get another Republican President we will end up with basically 6 years of political stalemate.

Either way, to clarify...my only real reason for not wanting to vote, was not wanting either candidate to win. That's a shortsighted reasoning, because I know the balance of power effects me and everyone else. However, I refuse to believe that the government climate in this country means that I must vote in order to give my "team" the advantage in congress. Even if I don't want that person to win. I don't even really like that team. I don't like either team. It's like if I went to McDonald's and they said all we got is the Fillet-O-Fish and the McRib, I'm not picking one just to pick one, I'll just go somewhere else. Only I can't go somewhere else, at least not currently. That seems silly to me, but it probably is how things are now. If there was a section on the ballot that would allow me to just vote for general dissatisfaction with our government I'd have been the first person at the polls. Why keep going with the status quo when it's something you don't believe in doing.

However, I'm not going to try to say voting doesn't matter, or isn't important, because as McCoy astutely pointed out, numerous things could possibly happen with the switching of congress. Some beneficial to me. Wonderful. I will not do any bitching (I rarely bitch about political issues) since I didn't vote, and I hadn't planned on doing any regardless of who won.

In the end, I think we can all agree to say we are just happy the obnoxious and ridiculous political slander ads are over with. If I never see Michael Steele holding a puppy or standing with his kids again, it will be too soon.

No more about this until the next election...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I didn't vote today...and I don't plan on it

yup...I didn't vote today. I can honestly say I had no intentions on voting today at all. Never once considered it. I'm sure someone reading this is now getting one of those "I can't believe he didn't vote" faces. Whatever. I don't care. I'm also not going to get up on my soapbox and tell why I didn't vote and expect you to see things my way. I definitely don't care whether you agree with me or not.

In 2000, I was the first person in my family to vote in this country ever (my parents are resident aliens), and yeah the guy I voted for won, and the lost, and then almost won again, but lost anyway.

In 2004, when I was actually a resident of the state of MD, I voted once again, mind you I was hesitant, specifically because of the screwy electoral college system in this country and the fact that the two states I could possibly vote in normally swing democratic. Nevertheless, I voted. My guy lost again. Whatever.

That didn't discourage me. What was sad was that I didn't go in thinking I was voting for someone I actually wanted to lead me, more so I was just voting for the lesser of two evils. Just another log on the fire of my disillusionment with the U.S. government.

So now this mid term election comes up. Ben Cardin, Michael Steele, Martin O' Malley (he seems to be who the modeled Tommy Carcetti after on The Wire) blah blah blah. "I'm for change!" Whatever, I bet you are pal.

I guess my point is if you want to vote, great I don't care. If you don't want to vote thats great too. Might be shortsighted thinking, but it seems to be working out for me.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I Want a New Job

…Those of you who know me are probably saying “man, that was quick, didn’t you just start?", and you would be correct. Just 6 months ago I was starting out on a new job, with hopes of it being much different than the last. Well it was definitely different, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

Maybe I'm too transient a person, maybe I constantly need new challenges to keep me going. Or is it that I just need more continuity in my job. At my old job there was one speed, busy. All the time, you were busy or you weren't at work. Which in hindsight seemed to have worked better for me. At my current place of employment there are deep lulls and extreme highs of work to be done. When I'm in one of the lulls, I completely fall off track and end up scouring the internet for cheap laughs 98% of the day.

I also genuinely believe I have no interest at all in what I'm doing. I would go through the hassle of telling you what I do, if I thought anyone would understand or care about what I do. Am I stupid to think that at age 24 (I really had to think for a second to make sure I was 24, Christ I'm getting old) I should be doing something I generally have an interest in? I've pretty much settled on a plan of getting an MBA starting in 2007, but I'll be working while doing that and I feel like maybe I should do something I actually give a shit about, or at least mildly enjoy. It's not like I'm raking in the big bucks over here, I have the same bills as everyone else, and do just enough to pay them and buy frivolous electronic items that I don't need. However, I'm not exactly sure what I'd like to do...my old boss suggested I look at radio station companies like clear channel/radio one/xm etc., which I'll probably look into, but I haven't the slightest idea if that will interest me.

I should probably just stop bitching and keep what I have...haha, I even laughed when I typed that. That's not me, not the way I operate. When something is going the way I like it to go, I fix it, or stop doing it. It seems as if that's what will happen here. Off to revising my resume and sneaking to interviews once again, only 6 months removed from the last time I did it. Lucky me.