Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Seinfeld Scripts

From Digg.com

I like Seinfeld, you may or may not, whatever. If you do like here's a site that has the scripts from every episode in original run order.

Soup Nazi Fun

also a list of definitions of terms on the show



Buck Naked - what a man might call himself under the following conditions; a) he is trying to convince his mother that he isn't gay, but is a porno actor under that name, b) he is trying to convince his girlfriend that he is gay, so they can break up (only she doesn't believe him, hence he tries to turn her off by telling her that he is a porno actor under that name)

Close Talker - one who speaks to a person at point blank range (usually with both peoples' noses less than a foot away from the other)

J2: Juggment Day Trailer

The title says it all...hopefully this allows me to recover from the wackness that was X3 (review coming soon). I also fixed my previous link to Juggernaut Bitch.

Cause I feel like it...

Man Laws...

I know you've all seen these silly commercials, but since I'm lazy and some of friends went to their website...well you'll see.

Here's one of the commercials

Website: ManLaws.com

It's kind of silly, but whatever, some of the laws are funny.

A sampling of laws:

Man Law: Men don't tell another man that his fly is down. If it's down, it's his problem and we never looked there.

Man Law:
If a snake catches a man by surprise, then it is totally acceptable to scream once.

Man Law:
Remember that looking at clevage is like looking at the sun, quick glances.

Man Law: Men sharing their feelings or intimate details is acceptable in groups of 2 or 3 when riding in a car or over beer, but shall never be discussed after the session.

...that is all.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Too Short?

From thesmokinggun.com

MAY 25--The pervert pictured in the below mug shot is named Richard Thompson. He's a 50-year-old Nebraska man who was convicted of sexually assaulting a child, but is avoiding jail time because a judge thinks he's too short to survive in prison.

Creative ways to avoid jail time

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Things I/You Should Purchase in the next 18 months...

I like gadgets. I like gadgets more than I like a lot of other things. Therefore I keep of list of things I save up money to buy. Here is my list...you should keep a list too, and you should also want some of the things on this list, if you don't, well just keep it a secret.

Definite Buys
1. Treo Smartphone (purchased Treo 650 2 weeks ago)
2. 13" MacBook (we live in a PC world, but I like Macs and if you want you can run windows xp on it, I also already own a PC)
3. Nintendo Wii (An innovative system not solely based on graphics, also will probably have the easiest to bootleg games)
4. Any 27in to 32in LCD HDtv (Because I like sports in HD, and I like my bed and this way i can mix the two)

Potential Purchases
5. XBox360 (yes it seems I have switched my allegiance, and I have. Sony has pissed me off, and spending 600 bucks to get the "real" PS3 does not interest me, hate if you want)
6. Kenwood Excelon DVD/CD Player with 7in screen (it's a car purchase, and a nice one at that, definitely not necessary, but if i came into some money all of a sudden I'd definitely look into getting one.

...that's all for now.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


the headline says it all...but here are some pictures anyway:

Baseball fights...

In honor of Michael Barrett cold-cocking A.J. Pierzynski..and its ensuing melee...

...I've decided to post some more memorable baseball fights

Check out #5, Chan Ho Park looks ridiculous

Commuting/New Job Update

Ok, so I started new job yesterday. Job is located in Potomac, MD (just barely in Potomac, but Potomac nonetheless). My old job was in Silver Spring, MD, I currently live in Laurel, MD (ugh). Now google maps (double true) says my commute from home to job takes 31 minutes...YEAH RIGHT!! My commute at my old job literrally took about 17 minutes. Now my commute takes about an hour, and I sit in traffic between exits 27 and 33 on the beltway for 40 minutes of it. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS? This is insane, it's day two of this and I want to jump out of my car and run into oncoming traffic.

I have a *bleeping* office now. It's a soul-less little room next to a staircase (I can constantly hear people opening the stair door, but I also have a backdoor out of my office), no windows or anything like that, but after sitting in a cubicle for a year and a half, I dont think there's anyway I could go back down to that now that I have an office, replete with boxes of stuff that isn't mine, AND shelving units. I haven't done much yet at this new job, so I will probably update this thing more today. That is all.

Monday, May 22, 2006

New Job starts today...

...meaning there won't be an update until a little later tonight, and there will be one tomorrow morning as my new mission in life is to prove mccoy wrong and continuously update this blog.

Burning Questions

1. Why is the first day of any new job completely useless, no work gets done, you just walk around and say "nice to meet you" 300 times, not that anything is wrong with that.

2. It's a little less than a month from my 24th birthday, and those are always reflective times. But what exactly is there to reflect on? Vomiting in college? High school "extra"-curricular activities? Why do I feel no celebration is necessary?

3. You do realize that 10-15 years ago, this horse would have been killed, on the track in front of a nationwide audience, does anyone think thats why this horse is still alive? The fact that it was on TV, and they didn't want little billy and susans parents to have to explain to them that horses are animals and not humans?

...done for now, more later.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Stupid Email things...

You know those ridiculously stupid email chain letter things, where they ask a bunch of different questions about yourself. Yeah well i got one of those today, and since I am in a shitty mood because my car is the shop 5 hours longer than it was supposed to be, im just going to post my responses. Yeah whatever, its corny, but at least i didn't email it to you.

What time is it? 3:49pm
Full name: Kyle ilia Scriven
What are you most afraid of: failure, death of family member
What is the most recent movie you have seen? Clerks
Have you ever seen a ghost? Nope
Place of birth: Perth Amboy, NJ
Favorite New food: Norcia Pizza at 2 Amy's in D.C.
Ever been to Alaska? nah homie
Coke or Pepsi? toss up
Ever been toilet papering?: nah, waste of time
Been in a car accident? Does it count when i was in the womb?
What is on your mousepad? Laser mouse, mousepad unnecessary
Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
Favorite day of the week: Monday, Sept. to Dec. = MNF, Jan to May = 24
Favorite Restaurant: Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
Favorite Flower: n/a
Favorite sport to watch: FOOTBALL, and then hockey, soccer, basketball in that order.
Favorite Drink: Something with vodka in it...
Favorite ice cream: Strawberry
Disney or Warner Brothers? Warner Brothers, of course
Favorite fast food restaurant? Wendy's/ Quiznos
What color is your bedroom carpet? Greyish
How many times have you failed your driver's test? Never, one shot deal over here
Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Denis Harper
What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch tv, blog, listen to music
Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? beats me
Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to
respond: Me
Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses: Don't care these things are dumb.
Favorite TV Shows: In order: 24, 6am sportscenter
Last person you went to dinner with: Shanna
Ford or Chevy: GMC
What sounds are you listening to right now? The AC unit
What music are you listening to right now? Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run (I'm from jerz)
What are your favorite colors? Blue and gray
How many tattoos do you have? none
How many pets do you have? mom has a dog
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Me
What would you like to accomplish before you die? Become a multi-millionaire, have a family, buy my grandma a new house.
What time is it now? 4:00pm

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Stolen "Love" Doll Reported to Police

From thesmokinggun.com

MAY 17--An Iowa man impervious to embarrassment called cops this week to report the theft of a blow-up fashioned to resemble a porn star.

Blow up Enjoyment

BET UnCut Continued...

How could I forget the most famous or infamous, UnCut video of them all..

Nelly - E.I. (The Tipdrill Remix)

At its height, it was shown on every BET UnCut broadcast. I was called at 3:15am one day to make sure I saw this video.

Nelly, the wholesome family rapper that even my father listens to...quality video. If you are looking for a treat, wait til the end for the credit card scene.

If you are offended...close your browser.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


no not AOL UnCut , I'm talking about BET Uncut. The videos that BET doesn't want you to know they show. Some may say classless, but these videos were gold at 3am for the last 3 years of college while intoxicated and eating fried chicken or WaWa sandwiches. Here is a sampling of some of the videos that appear:

Chingy - "Right Thurr" (I know, you are saying "I've seen this before, it was pretty normal for a hip hop video", Wait till you get to the 1:15 mark, things start to switch up a bit)

Joker the Bailbondsman and Little Bomber - "Let Me See Your Ass Drop"

Won-G f/Gizzelle - "Caught up in the Rapture"
(Check out the Paris Hilton appearance)

Yes these are actual videos played on BET Uncut, which airs I believe at 3am on Friday and Saturday night. Ahhh Black people, got to love them.

AOL Jacks YouTube

from techcrunch.com

Prepare for the launch of AOL UnCut (currently in open beta), a near perfect clone of YouTube.

Videos of up to 5 minutes can be uploaded to the service, and they are then converted to the Flash 8 format (same as YouTube). Like YouTube, videos are rated, commented and shareable. Also, any video may be embedded into another website via a code snippet. The only significant difference between AOL Uncut and YouTube is that YouTube supports tagging, whereas UnCut doesn’t.

AOL(and McCoy in turn) have no minds of their own

Monday, May 15, 2006

Opinion Post...Pre College

Why did we all go to college? This time of year seems like as good a time as any to wax poetic on the days of college (undergrad, not you uber nerds like mccoy, scratch that im going back to school come winter). For most of us there was no particular choice in whether or not we were going to college. My parents had been drilling that one in my head for the previous 18 years. So even if I thought about not going to school, there wasn't much choice in the matter. The main choice was where and to do what.

Well how do you make that decision, you are 17 or 18 years old. The hardest decision I made at that age was whether or not to put 18 inch rims on my 94 VW jetta (I didn't, too expensive). Now all of a sudden you are faced with a decision that will determine at least the next 4 years of your life at least. You aren't adequately prepared to make such a choice, but you do it anyway with any nonsensical criteria you come up with. Mine was simple: 1. Near a city (I grew up 30 minutes outside of New York City, and hate it or love it, that's what I relate to the most) 2. Big time Division I sports programs that werent god awful in either of the major sports, Men's Basketball and Football. 3. Diversity (this was a stupid idea in hindsight). Those were it. Notice how "academics" wasn't thrown in there. You can see what kind of student I was.

Schools applied to: UConn, Temple, Rutgers, Ramapo (ask and I'll explain), UNC Chapel Hill (shot in the dark), U of Georgia, UMD

Schools accepted to: UConn, Temple, Rutgers, Ramapo (Full Ride), U of Georgia (rolling admin), UMD

Well, it was easy to erase Rutgers, I grew up next to the school, like literally right next to it (made it very difficult to buy alcohol underage), Ramapo was never really an option. My mom eliminated Georgia "It's so far away, how will you come home". That leaves UConn, Temple, and UMD. I visited all three schools, here are some excerpts

Kyle's Dad: This place looks alright, kind of far from things though
Kyle's Mom: What a nice looking school, it looks like what college looks like on TV.
Kyle: Are you kidding, this is the middle of nowhere, this is the seventh level of hell
Kyle: I'm not going here unless its the last option.
Kyle's Dad: The food in the cafeteria isn't very good.

Kyle's Mom: This is right in the city, I don't know if I like this.
Kyle: This is great, the bars are right there, right across the street from the school.
Kyle's Mom: This is too dangerous, I don't want you going here

Kyle's Mom: What a picturesque school, I think you will like this one
Kyle's Dad: Their sports teams aren't terrible, they had that Steve Francis Guy.
Kyle's Dad: the dining hall is so much better here.
Kyle: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH Shit, better looking girls, way better looking than high school. Their teams don't suck, DC is 10 minutes away, Baltimore is 30 minutes away. I think this is it.

And it was that simple, as to whether it was the right choice, or things went well when I got here. That's another story. But thats how I ended up here, not that you care or anything. More later today.

FBI Sex Tour

From thesmokinggun.com

MAY 11--In an undercover operation targeting Americans seeking overseas sex tours, the FBI last year set up a web site that purported to offer "exotic excursions" to the Philippines and Thailand, where pedophiles often travel for sex with boys and girls.

Who wants to sex the FBI?

Friday, May 12, 2006

10,000th shoplifter gets parade...

Wish her face wasn't blurred out. The look on her face had to be priceless.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wizards Offseason Plans...

from washingtonpost.com

Wizards Look to Next Step

Some excerpts...

One big man whom the Wizards may consider is former Maryland star Chris Wilcox, who will be a restricted free agent. The power forward, who left Maryland after his sophomore season in 2002, played the best ball of his career after a trade from the Los Angeles Clippers to Seattle last season. In 29 games with the SuperSonics, Wilcox averaged a career-high 14.1 points and 5.7 rebounds while shooting 59.2 percent from the field.

Meantime, Washington's restricted free agent, Jeffries, described himself as "anxious" to test the market. Jeffries started 77 games and averaged 6.4 points and 4.9 rebounds while shooting 45.1 percent from the field this season, numbers that are close to his career averages.

Jordan loves Jeffries for his defensive versatility -- Jeffries defended everyone from point guards to centers at various stages this season -- and for his coachable nature. Jeffries had a solid playoff series against Cleveland, but his offensive game remains a question mark.

Good Clean High School Prank...

From thesmokinggun.com

MAY 10--A quartet of Arkansas high school students is facing criminal charges for allegedly placing a laxative in an iced tea dispenser in their school's faculty lounge.

ex-lax fun

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Areanas, Gilbert

Just no one questions my allegiance...


I know I am supposed to hate Lebron now, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want one of those "Witness" t-shrts.

More burning questions...

Stayed home from work today and some things were brought to my attention while watching tv.

1. What was the big deal with Million Dollar Baby? The movie was ordinary up to the climax...and ordinary after. And man it was sad to see Clint Eastwood cry.

2. Why aren't actors criticized as harshly as athletes when they mail it in for a check? (As I watch Sylvester Stallone in "Daylight")

3. Jesus, when did Superman IV happen? Where was I? Who let this come out without tearing it to shreds..did anyone think that was worth watching?

4. I remember watching PCU and thinking, Is that what college is like? I was told no not really, but after watching it today...It wasn't that far off.

Don't know if anyone not named McCoy reads this...but whatever.

Another "Hero" succumbs to the IRS

From thesmokinggun.com

MAY 5--Dogged by $12 million in tax liens and other legal judgments, rap music titan Marion "Suge" Knight is down to $11 in his checking accounts and the bling on his back, according to a bankruptcy court filing.

Say it ain't so Suge...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Playstation Kills

From Digg.com

COLUMBUS, Ga. - A 29-year-old man was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to killing a friend in a dispute over how to use a PlayStation video game console.


Bad birthday gift...

Today the girl in the cube next to me turned 24. Flowers showed up in the office and I asked if her boyfriend had sent them. She said no, and that some other people in the office had sent them to her. The next natural question is: "Well what did your boyfriend get you?" (I have been working with women for too long, last year that next natural question would have just been me saying "ok"). Girl says, "i dont want to say what he got", and now I have to pry. Turns out he got her a bike. I'm thinking it's a motorcycle, but I am soon corrected. It's a bicycle . Well of course the natural jokes come out: "is it a 10 speed? is it pink? does it have streamers? etc." The girl is obviously pissed at her boyfriend, but it leads to bigger question. How do people royally fuck up getting presents for other people. It doesn't seem that hard. More on this later.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bill Gates wishes he wasn't so rich...

uhhh...yeah...stop bitching.

Bill Gates doesn't like money

So what do you want to know?,,,

I'm stealing this from Arlene. Why? Because I am. It's a good idea and it helps me kill time today.

30 Things you may or may not know about Me

1. I despise bananas and when people eat them I want to vomit
2. I got accepted to the University of Georgia, but my mom said it was too far away.
3. I am black and I like hockey, making me one of the 15 black hockey fans in America.
4. My favorite rapper is Nas
5. I don't like talking on the phone...at all.
6. During my senior year of high school I might have been at school for 80 full days of a 181 day school year. (Cutting school is great!)
7. I have more pairs of shoes than any man I know not named Double.
8. I wear polo shirts with the collar up specifically to piss people off.
9. When I have plans to go out, I usually spend 50% of that day figuring out if theres a way I can back out so I can go home and take a nap or something.
10. I once won $1500 playing roulette.
11. I drove a 1994 VW Jetta from 1999 to 2003.
12. I have an almost unhealthy desire to punch Kobe Bryant in the mouth.
13. All of my family except my immediate members live in the Bahamas. My parents were born there, and thus I am a citizen of the Bahamas and United States. (Draft dodgery)
14. I like snow, and I like winter better than all the rest of the year.
15. Being a Bahamian citizen and all...I don't drink coffee, I drink tea.
16. I worked on two different radio stations, as on air talent (and I actually have checks to prove this).
17. I'm helpful to a fault.
18. I hate people that bring children to movies showing after 7pm.
19. I hate when people talk during movies...They should be drug out into the street and shot.
20. Black people embarrass me on a daily basis.
21. I think Tenoch Gomez may be unintentionally the funniest person on the face of the earth.
22. When rappers and R&B singers collide on songs I want to shoot myself.
23. When i hear songs by Creed I always wonder about what silly ass people made them popular and how they can be eliminated from the earth.
24. I recently puked in Fuddruckers downtown.
25. For 3 months my days went like this. Wake at 7am in Laurel, work at 8am-5pm in Silver Spring 5pm-6pm drive from Silver Spring to Fairfax, 7pm to 11pm radio show on 106.7 WJFK. Back to Laurel at 11:45. Bed at Midnight. Repeat.
26. I sleep on half of my bed.
27. I cannot scramble eggs.
28. I can make shrimp linguine in lemon sauce.
29. I found out about Snakes on a Plane WAYYYYYYYYYYYY before everyone else.
30. I'm done writing this post. For now.

Short Story

A friend of mine at a prestigious Graduate program at a NYC university told me something strange happened to her yesterday.

Friend: So the story of the day is
Me: ?
Friend: I was sitting the library at school studying and some guy comes up to me and passes me a note
Friend: The note says "You are really sexy", and I say "Oh, thanks" and I keep it moving
Me: ok
Friend: So the guy sits down and motions for me to look under the table, I look under and he is rubbing his bare penis with his hands under the table
Me: Was he like a homeless guy or a bum or something
Friend: No, he was a student

Just thought I would share.

Ongoing Issue...

These blog things really make one feel important...important enough that anyone would care what i have to talk about, oh well.

Few weeks back I decided to get my resume back out on the streets and drum up some interest in me. My current job (marketing dept. promotional products company) was excrutiatingly bad and I needed something different...not to mention more money. So out goes my resume, and much to my surprise..people were interested in my services. Fast forward a few weeks and a job offer is on the table from one of the prospective companies. I want the job so I accept, next morning I tell my current job of the news and immediately the counteroffers spill out with all the "you are so important around here, we really need you" etc. Whatever, I declined the counteroffer eventhough it was for more money than id be making at my new job (for those that need reasoning as to why I declined click here).

Man still haven't gotten to the point. I have to get better at this. The minor problem is I currently live in Laurel, and the new job is in Potomac. As i passed over 95 this morning I cringed at the fact that I would have to sit in that traffic in 2 weeks, and had already come to the realization that I had to move 'cause hourlong commutes are McCoy's specialty not mine. Where do I want to live you ask? Simple...where some of my friends live, all mighty Bethesda with its lack of minorities and youthful atmosphere. It would make my commute 15 minutes instead the hour it will be from Laurel. Well availability in bethesda within my price range is limited, and I am currently somewhat lacking a roommate...who knows. Either way, it's not that big a deal but I felt like whining about it so why not here. Any ideas?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Juggernaut Bitch!

There's no way i couldn't post this in the relaunch of my blog...it's old...whatever.

Casino Royale Trailer...

I like James Bond, (not in a gay way adam), so here is the trailer for the new James Bond flick...

damn youtube

Shawn Kemp Remembered

Just wanted to give a quick reminder of what Shawn Kemp was...

No he's not dead, but we won't see this Shawn Kemp ever again...

P.S.: this will not be a youtube lovefest like McCoy's blog.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mccoy Guilting me once again...

let's start with this...if i dont have update this blog once tomorrow (5/3)....i'll give the first person who calls me on it 10 bucks.

You already know I'm inconsistent so the fact that this doesn't updated shouldn't shock you. However since I've been in a whiny mood for a few days I figured I'd write something.

Couple of burning questions

1. Why would a person go somewhere (Potbelly's) to have someone else make them a sandwich consisting of bread and mushrooms? (sorry arlene)

2. Why did my now soon to be previous employer not pay me initially what they tried to counteroffer me with when they found out i had a job offer?

3. Why can't someone just slap the shit out of Kobe Bryant in the middle of the game for me?

4. Now that Kwame Brown is being investigated for sexual assault (link) it begs the question...Is this a direct result of Kwame being around Kobe, or was Kwame just so scared of his own shadow in DC that he couldn't even work up the nerve to talk to a girl, much less sexually assault her?

Next Post: Ongoing Dillemma